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  • Women Behind The Wheel

    Cat and Hannah, 2 British women in their twenties, take on the gruelling 3000km drive along Central Asia's Pamir Highway - the 2nd highest international road on Earth. It runs from southern Uzbek deserts, through Tajikistan's Pamir mountain range, climbing over 4600m, into Kyrgystan and all the ...

  • Desert Coffee

    Slab City is a squatter community in the Sonoran Desert and 'the last free place in America'. The inhabitants live off-the-grid in broken trailers or old school buses with no running water, electricity or sewage system. Their closest neighbours are the Marine Corps, who practice aerial bombing i...

  • Propaganda

    Controversial to its core, this hard-hitting anti-Western propaganda film, which looks at the influence of American visual and consumption culture on the rest of the world from a North Korean perspective, has been described as ‘either a damning indictment of 21st Century culture or the best piece...

  • Finding Fidel

    Finding Fidel tells the remarkable story of war cameraman Erik Durschmied, who in 1958 journeyed to Cuba’s Sierra Maestra mountains to interview a little-known rebel leader named Fidel Castro. A month later, Castro’s band of fighters rolled into Havana, and the world would never be the same. Int...

  • Escape From Room 18

    John Daly, an ex-neo-Nazi skinhead, fled to Israel after his own gang attempted to murder him for being Jewish. Years later he receives an e-mail from someone in his long forgotten past. Kevin Connell, a former friend and fellow ex-neo-Nazi is on a mission to change his own life and make amends f...

  • The Spider's Web - Britain's The Second Empire

    The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire, is a documentary that shows how Britain transformed from a colonial power into a global financial power. At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the glob...

  • In The Executioner's Shadow

    In the Executioner’s Shadow casts a penetrating look at the consequences of the death penalty through three powerful stories –  a former state executioner who comes within days of executing an innocent person; a Boston Marathon bombing victim who struggles to decide what justice really means; and...

  • Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death

    Should we be giving doctors the right to end the lives of others by euthanasia or assisted suicide? The grandfather of euthanasia in the Netherlands, Dr. Boudewijn Chabot speaks of a 'worrisome culture shift' and that euthanasia is 'getting out of hand' - especially as it relates to patients wi...

  • Sheol

    The film reveals little-known aspects of the Nazi organization implemented in a camp hidden in Poland, SOBIBOR. SOBIBOR was not a concentration camp but a death camp. The film follows an archaeologist as he tries to understand and reconstruct the workings of the camp. The other side of his task...

  • 100 Million Views

    We set out a mission to discover the secrets of what makes a video go viral. Along the way we meet with YouTube stars past and present, from the viral sensations of yesterday to the modern breed of Influencers who have fine-tuned the art of audience building, algorithmic tampering and fan engage...

  • The Power of Play

    Lizards do it.  Even fish do it. The animal world is showing us why play is a serious matter. Through a combination of ongoing experiments, reconstructed experiments and guided observation. The Power of Play reveals surprising truths about play in the natural world. Scientists from Europe, the...

  • Ocean Of Grass: Life On A Nebraska Sandhills Ranch

    An experiential, immersive documentary capturing a year in the life of a 130 year old Nebraska Sandhills ranch in a lyrical, timeless manner. The film presents the intriguing personalities and opinions of those individuals who choose this sparse, rugged lifestyle. From old school patriarchs to ...