Health & Wellbeing

  • The Nip Tuck Trip

    Why do we spend more time, money and effort trying to keep up appearances than at any other time in history? Are we obsessed? Or are we just trying to fit in? Follow women on a cosmetic surgery holiday to Kuala Lumpur, and find out why they go to such great lengths to alter their looks. (33 M...

  • Bay Street Healer

    Toronto psychiatrist Gordon Warme M.D. claims to be a participant in a vital cultural ritual, “one of countless rituals that give relief to humans...the most culture-bound of creatures.”

  • Dying For A Smoke

    In an age where smoking is becoming increasingly frowned upon, banned and distasteful, there’s one sector of the New Zealand community where evidence suggests the message isn’t getting through fast enough:
    31% of Maori deaths are due to cigarette smoking
    46% of Maori are regular smokers compared ...

  • Finding Inner Hero

    The breaking point is the making point. Through the lens of the heroes journey, we examine how each person turns tragedy into an opportunity to create more joyful and meaningful lives.


    How and why did you become a documentary filmmaker?
    Exploring the...

  • Street Leagues

    The inspiring story of the Irish Homeless Street Leagues, an organization that helps homeless people and recovering addicts how to regain their self-worth and reclaim their lives through the power of sport.

  • What Ami Did Not Know

    Nearly all maternal deaths could be prevented, if women had access to essential maternal and healthcare services. This animated film explores maternal and newborn health through the mind of a baby girl called Ami.

  • The Daily Dose

    The Daily Dose is a highly personal documentary about the filmmaker’s struggle accepting lifelong antiretroviral treatment. Through the use of video diary entries; Skype conversations with friends and family; and experimental reflections, the film is a journey of self-discovery and affirmation.

  • Six to Six

    Six to Six is an intimate look into the night shift of one of Cape Town’s busiest mortuaries, revealing the human and often humorous side of working with the aftermath of loss. The film paints a portrait of three forensic pathology officers; Taariq, Lungi and Pierre, who spend night after night w...

  • Circuits of Care

    By 2036, one in three people in Japan will be over the age of 65. While the nation wrestles with a shrinking labour force, the Robot Revolution Initiative was launched to expand robotics into every corner of Japanese economy and society. Circuits of Care follows anthropologist David Prendergast a...

  • Life At 50 Degrees

    One of the deadliest results of the climate crisis is extreme heat. How do the millions of people who have to live with increasingly high temperatures survive? This BBC Arabic investigation explores the impact of global warming on different communities across the globe and their struggle to adapt...

  • In Between

    "The development and progress of the Covid-19 pandemic makes the arrival of pateras to the Canary Islands from West Africa resemble the past cayuco crisis of 2006. The migrants reach the coasts of the islands after crossing one of the most dangerous routes to enter Europe, the so-called Canary Ro...

  • Sorojchi

    "Sorojchi" is how altitude sickness is known in Bolivia and it is something that is felt in the cities of El Alto and La Paz. It is here where we learn the story of four urban artists who, through their work, share their views on Bolivia and Bolivians, immersed in a big social and political crisis.

  • Milan, Everyone At Home

    It’s a hot Sunday in March in Milan, when Claudio Rizzotti, freelance filmmaker, decides to take his camera to document what is beginning to happen around him. It is the beginning of the Italian lockdown for the Covid 19 pandemic and so his city, his friends and his family sink into a long lethargy.

  • A Social Cure

    The true story of the highly successful South African social media campaign to combat AIDS

  • Delay of Game

    Delay Of Game is a moving film that tackles the lives of the football coaches, football players and football families. The film also takes a hard look at the troubling death of former NFL superstar and Hall of Famer Junior Seau who was found to have the crippling disease (CTE - chronic traumatic ...

  • Auntie Moves In

    1 season

    Families call on some big-hearted but practical ‘Aunties’ to help them through the rocky terrain of modern life, from money woes to health problems and love life troubles. Real people, real problems – there are times when families need nothing short of their own fairy godmother to help them throu...

  • Ubiquity

    What if WiFi was a killer? Wireless networks are the connectivity tissue of modern life but some claim electromagnetic radiation has devastated their health. Such people seek relief by taking refuge in the wilderness where there is no wireless littering the airwaves. And with the internet of thin...

  • Man Made

    An affecting and honest portrait of four transgender men as they prepare to step on stage at the only all-trans bodybuilding competition in the world. Pushing beyond the expected tropes of tragedy and hardship in transgender lives, this hopeful doc reveals unexpected truths about gender, humanity...

  • In Limbo

    On the streets of Denmark, trafficked men and women are exploited by transnational criminal networks who prey on their vulnerability with promises of a better life. Edward is struggling to earn to pay off the traffickers who brought him from Nigeria to sell their drugs. He has been coerced and ru...

  • The Origin Of Species

    Abigail Child has been at the vanguard of experimental media since the 1980s. In her latest project, she offers viewers an eerie look into the present and future of AI, through the perspectives of scientists, entrepreneurs and a Black lesbian robot. Child’s thought-provoking film considers the em...

  • Outbreak Onboard

    Cruise ships gave coronavirus a free ride around the world this Spring. While infected passengers think the Ruby Princess should be sailed out to sea and sunk, its owner company is busy marketing post-Covid cruises. Far from protecting people, the release of the ship’s passengers onto Australian ...

  • This Little Land of Mines

    During the Vietnam War, the US bombed Laos more heavily than any other country had been bombed before. Spanning over three presidential terms, it was the largest covert CIA operation in US history. Today, the Laos people live among, and risk their lives to clear, over 80 million unexploded bombs ...

  • Trapped In The Volcano

    The White Island Volcano eruption in December 2019 claimed the lives of 23 people. Despite extraordinary stories of heroism in the rescue effort, could more have been done to prevent this awful loss of life? Terrified members of a boat trip to the New Zealand island watched on as a tower of smoke...

  • Silenced, As Mercury Rises

    Whether it’s caused by humans or nature, our bodies are getting more and more contaminated by decades of daily pollution. Of all the toxins and heavy metals, we absorb in our lifetime, the second most toxic and deadly for humans on the periodic table chart is; mercury. With that knowledge in hand...